Drinking Bowl
Home > Product Center > Drinking Bowl
The best option for clean water cups and healthy animals
For more information, read our product datasheet or call us.
- Keep your water cups clean and fresh
- Easy to clean
- Give the animals easy access to clean water
- Outlet valve that controls the water flow and saves water resources
- Easy to clean
- Smooth surface made of stainless and durable material
Available in different sizes and shapes
Kontakta oss

Mikael Karlsson
[email protected]+46 150 487 718
Katrineholm, Sweden

Andreas Axelsson
[email protected]+46 150 487 715
Östersund, Sweden

Jan Backman
[email protected]+46 150 487 750
Borgå, Finland

Hanna Ahlqvist
[email protected]+46 150 487 711
Borgå, Finland
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